Make Your Spray Tan Last Longer!
How to make your spray tan last longer!
A question we get asked frequently is how can I get the most life out of my spray tan?
We're sharing our favorite products we use to extend the life of our tans.
Did you know oil based moistures will exfoliate your tan off?
Did you know your body wash could be changing the colour of your tan all together?
Natural is key to extending the life of your tan. Avoid solutions that will cause the tan to be "pulled" out of your pores.
These are usually high, oil based products. That's right, if you're a coconut oil lover you're actually helping your body remove your tan.
Body Wash
Did you know if your body wash contains SLF it could be causing havoc with your skins PH? This is extremely important as your skins PH determines the colour result of your spray tan. In order to maintain the best skin PH, washing with a body wash that doesn't contain SLS ( sodium lauryl sulfate) is our best recommendation.