How Best To Remove Your Spray Tan

It might be a sad time needing to remove your tan but what are our tips and tricks to remove your spray tan?
Luck for you, we have all your recommendations to remove your tan here.
Removing your old base tan, can ensure that your next spray tan is perfect for your re-application.
With the weather getting colder, the life and duration of spray tan changes.
This is due to a few things:
Colder Weather
Increased exposure to dry air from heaters and air-conditioning
Warmer Showers
Wearing heavier clothing
Here are our tricks to remove your tan
Firstly, its great to trial a lighter spray tan to your summer bronze. This makes the tan fade more naturally.
Regular exfoliation will help your drier skin lift the spray tan easier.
Start using a heavier body crème, move away from lotions in the winter period.
Enjoy a regular bath, and add a bath oil to help hydrate and exfoliate using an exfoliation mitt.
Don't forget to increase your water intake and incorporate fatty omegas into your diet to keep your skin plump and hydrated, this also makes your spray tan lift and exfoliate off easier